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Facial Hair Transplant
in San Francisco, CA

Define Your Aesthetic

San Francisco Facial Hair Transplant at The Hair Transplant Center

At The Hair Transplant Center by Pacific Plastic Surgery Group, we offer the most advanced solutions to help you meet your aesthetic goals. From filling in a patchy beard to redefining your look, facial hair transplant opens the door to endless possibilities for expressing yourself and living a more confident life. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Miranda is nationally recognized for his precision techniques and excellent patient care. He strives to deliver the best Facial Hair Transplant San Francisco has to offer. Read on to learn more about the facial hair transplant procedure, or schedule your consultation to discuss your specific goals with Dr. Miranda and begin planning a procedure that unveils your most authentic self. 

What is a Facial Hair Transplant?

Dedicated to Your Goals

In a facial hair transplant, follicles are transplanted from one part of the body, usually the back of the scalp, to areas of the face such as the beard, sideburns, or eyebrows to fill in sparse areas or establish facial hair where it never grew in. Dr. Miranda employs the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method, collecting hair follicles individually and then meticulously transplanting them into a natural-looking growth pattern in the desired areas. Once the transplanted follicles have become fully established in their new location—a process that typically takes several months—the new hair will grow in permanently, letting you bathe, style, and trim it just like natural facial hair.

San Francisco facial Hair Transplant model wearing brown shirt
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What are the benefits of Facial Hair Transplant?

One Technique. Countless Benefits.

Facial hair transplant is an innovative procedure that helps you enhance your appearance by creating a fuller, more defined beard, mustache, sideburns, or eyebrows. Our San Francisco Facial Hair Transplant patients tend to seek this procedure for a variety of reasons:

Fill in sparse facial hair: People with patchy or thin facial hair growth can achieve a fuller beard, mustache, sideburns, or eyebrows.

Conceal scars: Facial hair offers an aesthetically pleasing way to conceal facial scars, such as from accidents, surgeries, or burns.

Restore hair lost to injury or surgery: Individuals can restore facial hair following hair loss due to trauma, burns, or surgical procedures.

Achieve a different facial hair style: Some may want to alter their facial hair pattern or style and opt for a transplant to achieve the desired look.

Receive gender-affirming care: FTM men and nonbinary individuals can achieve an aesthetic that aligns with their gender and helps them express their personal style through an FTM gender-affirming facial hair transplant.

The results of a facial hair transplant are permanent, allowing you to put any insecurities or dissatisfaction with your facial hair behind you and confidently enjoy an aesthetic that feels true to who you are inside. 

Your Facial Hair Transplant Procedure

San Francisco’s Facial Hair Transplant Experts

The facial hair transplant process begins with a personalized consultation. At this meeting, Dr. Miranda will learn about your goals, thoroughly examine your facial features and potential donor areas, and collaborate with you to create a tailored treatment plan. He will take time to answer all your questions, ensuring you are comfortable and confident before proceeding with treatment.

On the day of the procedure, Dr. Miranda and our team ensure your comfort and relaxation. Local anesthesia is administered in the donor area (typically the back of the scalp) and the recipient's facial areas. Our San Francisco Facial Hair Transplant team then delicately extracts individual follicles using a handheld motorized device designed for FUE hair transplant. We then implant the extracted hair follicles into the treatment area, carefully crafting results that look natural and align with your vision for your results.

Facial Hair Transplant Recovery and Aftercare

Attentive Care & Support

The Facial Hair Transplant recovery process involves certain milestones. The treatment area requires gentle care as the newly transplanted follicles become established. We will instruct you on protecting the area in the early days after your Facial Hair Transplant procedure

A few weeks after the procedure, the transplanted hair will shed. This is a normal part of the process, and new growth will gradually begin over the next few months. Once the transplanted hair starts growing, you will be able to treat it like natural facial hair, washing, grooming, and maintaining it as normal. Establishing optimal results requires patience, as the full results of the transplant can take several months to a year to become fully visible. Once established, the transplanted hair goes through a growth cycle like any other hair, letting you enjoy your results with ease and confidence. 

San Francisco facial Hair Transplant model wearing brown shirt

Facial Hair Transplant Results

Unveil Your Most Confident Look

In the months following the facial hair transplant procedure, you will witness the gradual emergence of fuller, more defined facial hair that blends seamlessly with the natural growth pattern. Each carefully placed follicle contributes to a more distinguished, harmonious, and masculine look that complements your facial features. Once facial hair growth is established, it continues to grow just like natural hair, providing the foundation for new levels of confidence in your appearance and helping you enjoy life to the fullest. 

Facial Hair Transplant

Frequently Asked Questions

The specialized device used in a FUE procedure creates micro punches that are less than 1mm across, minimizing the risk of visible scarring. Dr. Miranda’s deft surgical technique, developed over 15+ years of distinguished experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon, ensures optimal healing for the most seamless, natural-looking results.

It's important to wait until you receive the green light from Dr. Miranda before resuming normal shaving routines. To ensure optimal results from your procedure, you will need to wait for the follicles to become fully established in their new location before you start shaving or styling your facial hair. 

Yes, the results of a facial hair transplant are generally considered permanent. The transplanted hair continues to grow naturally like the rest of your facial hair. However, it's important to note that while the transplanted hair is permanent, natural hair loss due to aging or other factors in the surrounding areas can still occur over time.

In most cases, a facial hair transplant is considered an elective procedure and is not covered by insurance. In some cases, patients having a hair transplant as part of gender-affirming medical care may be able to receive partial coverage, but this will depend on the details of the individual plan. Our office team will help you verify any applicable coverage through insurance, ensuring you receive all the benefits you are due.