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FTM Facial Hair Transplant
in San Francisco, CA

The Care You Need For Your Journey

San Francisco FTM Facial Hair Transplant at The Hair Transplant Center

For transgender men, a facial hair transplant can be a key step in gender affirmation, whether we are creating new facial hair or helping to increase thickness or fullness in facial hair. We are committed to helping our clients define and achieve their goals, understanding the important role of treating gender dysphoria to improve your health and quality of life. Over his fifteen-plus years of experience, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Miranda has helped countless patients transform and realize their goals for an aesthetic that matches their identity. We strive to deliver the best FTM Facial Hair Transplant San Francisco has to offer.

What is FTM Facial Hair Transplant?

FTM facial hair transplant refers to a facial hair transplant procedure performed to help transgender men transition to a more masculine appearance. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor site, often the back of the scalp or other body areas, to the face to promote facial hair growth, such as a beard, sideburns, mustache, or eyebrows. Dr. Miranda uses the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique to collect individual donor follicles. He then transplants them to the face, establishing precise patterns of hair growth that align with your specific goals and complement your facial features.

San Francisco FTM facial Hair Transplant model with curly hair

A Permanent Transformation

What are the benefits of an FTM Facial Hair Transplant?

Facial hair can be an important facet of gender-affirming care for transgender men. Our precision techniques help you grow thicker facial hair that complements your features and helps alleviate symptoms of gender dysphoria. The transplant process is personalized to your desired outcomes, considering factors such as density and distribution. Once hair growth is established, the results are permanent

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Your FTM Facial Hair Transplant Procedure

If you are considering a FTM facial hair transplant procedure, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Edward Miranda. He will listen carefully to your goals and provide personalized guidance on your options while ensuring you are a good candidate to safely undergo surgery. We prioritize a clear, detailed, and collaborative approach to ensure an excellent outcome. 

On the day of the procedure, the donor area and recipient area are numbed using local anesthesia to minimize any potential discomfort. Our skilled team extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area using a specialized micro-surgical instrument. This process is precise and minimally invasive compared to previous techniques.

Once the follicles are extracted, implant sites are created in the facial area to mimic hair growth patterns. The extracted hair follicles are implanted into the recipient sites at the correct angle, depth, and direction to ensure an excellent result.

FTM Facial Hair Transplant Recovery and Aftercare

The first two weeks after the transplant procedure are the most critical. During this recovery period, it is imperative for our San Francisco FTM Facial Hair Transplant patients not to engage in any activity that could damage the new grafts. The treatment area will be sensitive, and soreness, swelling, and scabbing are normal side effects in the early days of healing. Gentle care is vital to helping the transplanted follicles become established and provide lasting growth. We prioritize providing clear guidance and support during this time to ensure your results meet and exceed your expectations. 

San Francisco FTM facial Hair Transplant model with brown hair

FTM Facial Hair Transplant Results

Your Next Chapter

The results of your procedure are permanent, but they will come on gradually. As time passes, the follicles will restart the growth cycle, gradually filling in the treatment area with full, healthy hair growth. This growth can continue to improve over the course of several months, after which our San Francisco FTM Facial Hair Transplant patients will be able to enjoy natural facial hair that they can groom, shave, and style to their liking. 

FTM Facial Hair Transplant

Frequently Asked Questions

Initial growth will be visible within a few months, while the full outcome is typically noticeable within six to twelve months post-procedure as the transplanted hair grows and blends in.

A FTM facial hair transplant can be a significant step in gender-affirming care for transgender men. The ideal candidate will be in general good health, have stable hormone levels, and have a hair in a donor site that is suitable for transplant.

Many insurance plans will provide coverage for FTM facial hair transplants as part of gender-affirming care. Our office team is highly knowledgeable about insurance coverage and will advise you on how to see if you can receive coverage as part of your policy.