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Hair Transplant
in San Francisco, CA

Expert Solutions for Healthy Hair

San Francisco FUE Hair Transplant at The Hair Transplant Center

Having a full, healthy head of hair doesn’t have to be something you dream about. Sophisticated hair transplant techniques deliver natural-looking results that stand the test of time. Precise follicle placement recreates natural growth patterns and provides permanent results without any tell-tale scars. For Dr. Edward Miranda, the procedure is both an art and a science. He strives to deliver the best Hair Transplant San Francisco has to offer. Using the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method, Dr. Miranda and our expert team guide you through every step of planning and performing a procedure that establishes healthy, full growth that is yours to keep.

What is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

Innovative Transplant Techniques

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a method of obtaining hair for hair transplantation that involves harvesting individual hair follicles, usually from a donor area of the scalp where hair loss is not an issue. This is accomplished using a special handheld device that leaves extremely small scars, usually less than one millimeter in diameter, which produces less obvious scarring than other methods even with shorter hairstyles. After extraction, the individual follicles are transplanted into the recipient area, following the natural hair growth pattern for an exceptionally authentic-looking outcome that can have life-changing benefits.

San Francisco Hair Transplant model wearing a blue shirt
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What are the benefits of FUE?

A Spectrum of Benefits

A hair transplant can be a transformative experience, opening the door to a more confident and enjoyable phase of life and letting you leave worries about your hair in the past. Patients tend to be very satisfied with their decision to have a FUE hair transplant, often expressing regret that they did not have the procedure sooner. While the image of a typical hair transplant client is of a man experiencing male pattern baldness, the range of people who can benefit from this restoration method is very broad, including women and individuals undergoing gender-affirming care. Here are a few key benefits of FUE to consider when selecting the best hair restoration method for your needs:

  • Permanent results: The transplanted follicles will continue to grow just like your existing hair and require no special maintenance once post-procedure healing is complete.
  • Natural and undetectable: Individually transplanting follicles allows Dr. Miranda to place each one at a precise angle that mimics natural growth patterns and blends in with existing hair. The micro-punch technique does not create the linear scar that is left when follicles are harvested in a strip, as in the follicular unit transplant (FUT) approach. 
  • Versatile applications: FUE can be employed to fill in thinning or bald areas on the scalp or other areas like the eyebrows, sideburns, mustache, or beard. 
  • Enhanced Self-Image: Healthy hair can influence how you perceive yourself. Feeling more satisfied with your appearance can lead to increased self-confidence and a positive self-image.
  • Psychological Well-Being: Hair loss can impact psychological well-being, causing stress and a sense of loss. Addressing the issue through a hair transplant may alleviate these concerns, contributing to improved mental health and confidence. A hair transplant can also improve self-image and mental well-being for transgender individuals who want their hair to better reflect their identity and aesthetic.

Your FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

Precision Placement

A FUE Hair Transplant procedure begins with administering local anesthesia to provide a comfortable treatment experience. In the first step, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp, where hair is resistant to balding. Unlike the traditional strip method (FUT - Follicular Unit Transplantation), FUE does not involve removing a strip of skin but rather individual follicles. The extraction is performed using a micro-punch tool, usually ranging from 0.6mm to 1.0mm in diameter. This allows for precise removal of individual hair follicles without leaving a linear scar. After extraction, the individual follicles are transplanted into the recipient area. Dr. Miranda follows the natural pattern of hair growth, establishing the foundation for healthy hair that grows just like the existing hair. 

FUE Hair Transplant Recovery and Aftercare

Seeing Is Believing

Because FUE uses tiny incisions, recovery time is relatively quick compared to other methods. Your recovery process will be well-supported, and we will provide you with detailed instructions on caring for the treatment area as it heals. Our San Francisco Hair Transplant patients can expect 1-2 weeks of social downtime, and after two weeks of healing they can resume all regular activities.

Following aftercare instructions and attending all post-op appointments is very important, as these measures ensure that you retain the most viable follicles to establish dense, healthy hair growth. The transplanted follicles will shed after the first few weeks to the first couple months post-procedure. This is a normal part of the process, after which the follicles will regrow hair, typically around month three. Hair growth will continue to improve between months three to six, and it may take a year to see full results. Patience is key, and the healthy hair growth that will come in over time will be well worth the wait. 

San Francisco Hair Transplant model with brown hair

FUE Hair Transplant Results

Strong, Healthy Hair

FUE hair transplant is an investment you make in yourself, establishing healthy growth you can enjoy for years into the future. Our team’s extensive experience with the FUE technique guarantees that your results look and feel natural, allowing you to simply enjoy your restored look without stress. Many people experience an improved self-image and a boost in confidence that can have far-reaching effects, from improved mental health to a greater willingness to enjoy new experiences, relationships, and opportunities. We are inspired by these life-changing benefits to provide an unparalleled standard of care for every single one of our San Francisco Hair Transplant patients. 

Hair Transplant

Frequently Asked Questions

Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days after FUE. However, strenuous activities and direct sun exposure to the scalp will need to be avoided for a few weeks to support optimal healing. We will provide detailed aftercare instructions to support optimal healing and remain available to provide ongoing support throughout your recovery. 

While some hair growth may be visible in the first few months, the final results of a hair transplant can take up to a year to fully manifest as the transplanted hair follicles undergo a shedding process before normal growth is re-established. 

Yes, FUE hair transplants are considered to be a permanent solution for hair loss. Once the transplanted hair follicles have healed and established themselves in the new location, they continue to grow like natural hair. These hairs are usually not as prone to the effects of pattern baldness, so they tend to be permanent and can last a lifetime.

Yes, FUE can be adapted to transplant hair to areas beyond the scalp, such as the beard, eyebrows, or chest. The versatile technique can be tailored to the patient's specific needs.