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Forehead Reduction Surgery
in San Francisco, CA

San Francisco Forehead Reduction Surgery

at The Hair Transplant Center by Pacific Plastic Surgery Group

A prominent forehead or high hairline can be a source of self-consciousness for both men and women. For transgender women, a high hairline can also contribute to gender dysphoria. Committed to providing unique solutions to meet the needs of every patient, we offer hairline lowering, a cosmetic procedure that reduces the height of the forehead and moves the hairline down. The permanent results provide a more balanced face frame. If you are interested in hairline lowering, we will carefully assess your goals and give a clear idea of the outcome you can expect to achieve. Under the care of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Miranda and our expert team, you can rest assured that your transformation is planned and performed with the utmost skill and a passion for helping our patients feel their most confident every day. We strive to deliver the best Forehead Reduction Surgery San Francisco has to offer.

What is Forehead Reduction?

Forehead Reduction Surgery, also known as hairline lowering or scalp advancement, is a cosmetic surgery that lowers the hairline's position to reduce the forehead's size. During the procedure, a section of skin and tissue from the forehead is surgically removed, effectively bringing the hairline forward to create a lower and more aesthetically pleasing forehead in balance with the rest of your face. The incision is well-hidden along the hairline to minimize visible scarring, and once it has healed, the results provide a permanent enhancement.

San Francisco forehead reduction surgery model smiling

What are the benefits of Forehead Reduction Surgery?

Forehead Reduction Surgery is most popular among individuals with a disproportionate or larger forehead compared to the rest of their features. This group includes men and women, including transgender women who are seeking facial feminization procedures as part of gender-affirming care. The surgery permanently repositions the hairline, requiring no maintenance and providing an authentic sense of renewed confidence.

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Your Forehead Reduction Surgery Procedure

Exceptional Artistry

Your San Francisco Forehead Reduction Surgery procedure will be performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Miranda carefully creates a fine incision in the location of the new hairline. The scalp tissue between the incision and the original hairline is then lifted and advanced to the new hairline position, where it is secured with a dissolvable internal stitch. The incision line is carefully closed so that it will fade into a faint scar that blends with the surrounding tissue.

Forehead Reduction Surgery Recovery and Aftercare

Reframe Your Self-Confidence

Your recovery process is managed with clear aftercare instructions and ongoing support from our team. As the surgery site heals, hair will begin to regrow at the site of the new hairline, and the incision line will fade. It can take several months for the area to heal completely, so patience is key as the results continue to refine and improve. During the initial recovery phase, discomfort, swelling, and bruising are well-managed with pain medication and gentle aftercare. Aftercare involves precautions such as avoiding blow drying or heat styling the hair until cleared to do so. It’s important to follow the aftercare guidelines we provide and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure optimal healing and results. 

San Francisco forehead reduction surgery model smiling

Forehead Reduction Surgery Results

Permanent Enhancement

Forehead Reduction Surgery can significantly boost confidence for people who feel self-conscious about a high forehead or a hairline with a “receding” appearance. As post-procedure swelling diminishes and the incision site flattens and fades, a natural-looking new hairline emerges. Reducing the height of the forehead accentuates the harmony of your facial features when viewed from any angle. You may feel more comfortable wearing different hairstyles, helping you express your unique aesthetic and leave feelings of self-consciousness about your hairline behind you. 

Hairline Lowering for Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)

Hairline lowering may be performed as a component of facial feminization surgery to reduce the distance between the hairline and the brow, soften and round out the hairline, and create a more feminine facial appearance. By adjusting the hairline, this surgery can enhance facial harmony and femininity. Our providers are experienced in performing hairline lowering as a part of FFS and can help you design a procedure that aligns with your needs. 

San Francisco forehead reduction surgery model smiling

Forehead Reduction Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

Although some scarring is inevitable, Dr. Miranda carefully places the incision where it is well concealed and uses expert techniques to minimize scar formation. The scars will appear more prominent at first but tend to fade and flatten as the months pass. During recovery, we provide aftercare instructions that include scar management methods. Some of our San Francisco Forehead Reduction Surgery patients opt to have additional procedures to further conceal their scar if necessary.

Forehead Reduction Surgery is ideal for individuals who wish to reduce the appearance of a large forehead or high hairline to create better facial balance. It can also be performed to relieve gender dysphoria as a part of facial feminization surgery. The ideal candidate is in general good health. We will also assess your scalp laxity to determine the best course of treatment for you.

In some cases, Forehead Reduction Surgery is considered an elective cosmetic procedure, meaning insurance doesn’t cover it. However, many insurance providers offer coverage for hairline lowering that is performed as a facial feminization surgery (FFS) for transgender women undergoing gender-affirming medical care. Our office team is experienced in working with insurers to obtain the maximum coverage you are due.